Impartiality Policy
Cert Africa will ensure that all internal and external personnel are aware of the need for impartiality.
Please download our Signed Company Impartiality Policy Document here…
Cert Africa shall ensure impartiality through application of:
- The commitment to deliver certification activities that provides confidence.
- The requirements as stipulated by ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 and the accreditation bodies requirements as published.
- The requirements as stipulated by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) guidelines and mandatory documents.
- No certification activities will be performed for clients of Cert Africa if any person has performed similar or advisory activities for these clients that might lead to a conflict of interest. To ensure this, we shall take reasonable steps to establish whether a conflict of interest exists.
- The activities shall not be marketed or offered as linked with the activities of an organization that provides management system consultancy.
- Cert Africa shall not provide certification services to clients where consultancy has been provided by any member in the same scope of work. The minimum period of impartiality allowed is two years.
- Should we not have adequate resources (including non-accreditation for certain EAC/NACE codes) or have an impartiality problem, we have the right to reject a client.
- All decisions made will be based on objective evidence of conformity or non- conformity obtained by Cert Africa and decision is not influenced by other interests or other parties.
- Risk based approach will be periodically conducted to eliminate real and perceived threats to impartiality.
Management of Impartiality
- Cert Africa will be solely responsible for the impartiality of its conformity assessment activities and shall not allow commercial, financial, or other pressures that can compromise impartiality.
- Cert Africa management will establish and monitor a risk assessment process arising from provision of certification including any conflict arising from its relationships, on an ongoing basis.